Dies ist nur die E-Rechnungs-Test-Version.
Hier einlangende Rechnungen werden nicht verarbeitet und daher auch nicht bezahlt
e-Invoicing support
Support for the e-Rechnung.gv.at service is available at the following e-mail address: support-erb@brz.gv.at.
A contact form is also available.
Note: For a more efficient handling of your request, please provide the following informations:
- Supplier number
- Invoice number
- Order reference
- Contribution date
USP support
The Unternehmensservice Portal (USP) offers special help pages. If you have further questions that you cannot find in the help pages, you can send your request using the USP contact form.
Contact by phone: You can reach the USP Service Center throughout Austria at local rates on 050 233 733 from Monday to Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., unless it is a public holiday.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find information on common legal and technical questions.
Here you will find documents that can help you to transmit e-invoices.
Note: We ask for your understanding that we cannot provide any information regarding the solution of local technical problems (e.g. on your PC or with your Internet connection).