Dies ist nur die E-Rechnungs-Test-Version.
Hier einlangende Rechnungen werden nicht verarbeitet und daher auch nicht bezahlt
Publications and downloads
Information for e-Invoice
Guideline for invoicing and contribution/transmission
To support affiliates of the federal government in the implementation of the requirements of an e-Invoice for the public sector a guideline for invoicing and contribution/transmission was developed.
The guideline reflects the essential information available of e-Invoices for the public sector on the site www.e-rechnung.gv.at and provides information about the legal framework, the optimal implementation variant as well as all necessary technical and organizational measures for the implementation.
- Step by step summary for the generation/submission of an e-Invoice (PDF) (short version)
- Manual for Invoicing and Submitting (PDF, long version)
- Step by Step-Zusammenfassung für die Erstellung/Einbringung einer e-Rechnung (PDF)
- Leitfaden für die Rechnungsstellung und -einbringung (PDF)
Additional documents
Technical downloads
On this page you can find all available downloads for the technical implementation of e-Rechnung.gv.at
Adapted ebInterface schemas of the federal government
The following list contains downloads of all modified ebInterface schemas of the federal government
Note: beside these XSD files you also need other XSD files which you can find only in the original ebInterface schemas! The original ebInterface schemas can be downloaded at http://www.ebinterface.at (at the menu item "XML Rechnungsstandard")
- ebInterface 4.3 XML schema of the federal government (last update: 2016-12-14)
- ebInterface 5.0 XML schema of the federal government (last update: 2018-04-06)
- ebInterface 6.0 XML schema of the federal government (last update: 2020-05-15)
- ebInterface 6.1 XML schema of the federal government (last update: 2022-09-09)
Example files
The following list contains all example files which correspond to the rules of the federal government. These files are also used at Explain file.
- ebInterface 4.3 example file (last update: 2016-12-14)
- ebInterface 4.3 example file for final settlements (last update: 2016-12-14)
- ebInterface 5.0 example file (last update: 2018-04-06)
- ebInterface 6.0 example file (last update: 2020-05-15)
- ebInterface 6.1 example file (last update: 2022-09-09)
- UBL invoice example file (last update: 2014-03-05)
- UBL credit memo example file (last update: 2014-03-05)
Web service V1.2 files
The following list contains all required files for the web service V1.2 call.
Last update: 2017-09-18 - an unneeded maximum length specification was removed
- erb-in-invoice-122.wsdl WSDL file
Web service V2.0 files
The following list contains all required files for the web service V2.0 call.
Last update: 2017-05-30 - documentation update
- erb-in-invoice-201.wsdl WSDL file
Web service callback files
The following list contains all required files for the web service callback V1.0.
Last update: 2016-01-28 - renamed the file
- erb-out-invoice-callback-100.wsdl WSDL file
The TLS server certificates to be expected for the Webservice delivery can be downloaded here:
- txm.portal.at.pem PEM file with the full TLS certificate chain for txm.portal.at (valid from 2025-02-19 until 2026-01-09 - update 2025-01-28)
The client certificates used for the webservice callback can be downloaded here:
- erb-prod.pem PEM file for www.erechnung.gv.at (production - valid until 2026-06-11 - update 2021-06-18)
- erb-test.pem PEM file for test.erechnung.gv.at (test - valid until 2028-08-08 - update 2023-08-08)
- Official ebInterface 6.0 page
- Official ebInterface ≤ 5.0 page
- Official ebInterface forum
- Official list of ebInterface implementation partners & products
- Official Peppol/OpenPeppol page
- Official OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC page
- Peppol practical - practical tips and tricks for Peppol implementers